The first rule of stage diving is, know your audience. There is nothing worse (for someone on stage and someone in the crowd) than a performer or person who stage dives at the wrong moment or into the wrong crowd. 


This big dude seemed like he was having the time of his life. He's drunk (I assume), wearing his best threads, and on stage at a concert that we assume he isn't a member of. But he made one crucial mistake, he misjudged the crowd's desire to catch his big sweaty body. 

Thankfully, for his and the people blow him's sake, the stage wasn't very high, or else he could have been seriously hurt beyond the slight bruise to his ego. 

But this due should have known that for one, the crowd was to sparse to really warrant a dive and two, that most of the people in the crowd below him were women and that he, being a big dude, shouldn't expect them to catch him. 

But thankfully for us, he was either too drunk or having too much fun to care. Either way, I've never seen a Ninja Turtle slat like that.