While the TSA would never recommend it, getting drunk on a plane isn’t that big of a deal — so long as you keep to yourself.


A lot of people get stressed out on planes, whether it’s because they’re scared of flying or they’re just mentally preparing themselves for another holiday with their extended family. As a result, they might down a few glasses of wine, or buy themselves a beer or two to take the edge off mid-flight.

Do this and then fall asleep? The consequences are likely going to be minimal, so long as you don’t have a major in-flight incident. Throw back a few shots and start a fight? Well, buddy, you’ll probably be kicked off the plane, as this British dude learned the hard way.

Average experience on a flight to Ibiza
byu/I_may_have_weed inPublicFreakout

On a flight from Manchester to Ibiza on EasyJet, he appears to have decided to get the party started ahead of schedule by having a few drinks. Unfortunately for him, he broke the golden rule of “not being an asshole” while doing so. As a result, he was removed from the plane.

“You bellend!” someone yells. “Look at the fucking state of you, you cunt!” chimes in another.

According to The Sun, the plane had to be downed in Paris to deal with the man, who had been aggressive since entering the plane. “He just started kicking off in midair on his own. He was literally just off his face,” a witness told the tabloid. “The air hostess couldn’t calm him down so the other passengers started shouting at him to calm down. He was just swearing at everyone and pointing his finger at people threateningly, offering everyone a fight.”

The time of the flight was 5:40 a.m. as well — meaning he either got started early or was still trying to keep the flame going from the night before.

Regardless, he was removed and will likely face charges. Hopefully, this video serves as an important lesson to all viewers. As one Redditor wrote, “At the very minimum… you should try to live your life in a manner in which people won’t cheer as you leave the plane.”