You’d think the internet would have killed door-to-door salesmen, but nope. Live in suburbia long enough and you’ll become well-acquainted with a host of Jehovah’s Witnesses, roofing people and more, all either trying to fix your leaky ceiling or secure you a solid position in the afterlife. Sorry — not interested on either front!


These door-to-door salespeople can be persistent. They’ll ring your doorbell multiple times, refuse to stop talking even after you walk away — and in this case, approach your house during an active tornado.

As a tornado warning siren blares, this salesperson is trying his best to have a normal interaction with a local resident. The local resident just isn’t having it.

“It’s a whole tornado outside,” she says. “Go on somewhere — we’re in cover.” The salesperson tries his best to continue the conversation before the resident eventually just tells him, understandably, to “go home!”

This is when the clip takes an odd turn. The salesperson walks away from the house, boots up his hoverboard, and rolls away, leading to confusion from the resident. “You can’t make this shit up,” she says.

Why is this man so passionate about sales that he’s willing to risk his life, and his hoverboard, to do it? Who’s to say; it’s certainly a feeling I can’t relate to. But I’m just hoping he made it home before the tornado got him, body and tiny scooter intact.