We’ve all heard about the random products that go viral on TikTok — Stanley cups, a chicken sauce that makes you shit your pants and so much more. What a magical world we live in!


Now, we can add another product to that list: Chinese Glycine, courtesy of our friends over at Donghua Jinlong.

Across their page, the company advertises all of the wonderful things you can do with Chinese Glycine. For example, did you know that Donghua Jinlong Food Grade Glycine is suitable as a flavor enhancer, sweetener and nutritional supplement? I sure didn’t!

For reasons I cannot explain, videos from the company have taken off on TikTok, leading to reaction videos, parodies and more. This is all for a product that you can only buy in a minimum quantity of 25 kilograms direct from China.

And if you wanted to hear deepfaked Nick Mullen’s take on the product, well, TikTok has got you covered — and we’ll even throw in a Neil deGrasse Tyson deepfake for good measure.

If you’re genuinely interested in picking up some Donghua Jinlong Food Grade Glycine, you might want to reconsider. According to WebMD, glycine's safety has “not been fully tested or studied.”

Eh, it’s probably fine — I mean, we all heard what the TikTok voice said about the product’s quality!