What’s the point of horse cops? Sure, the police may tell you that they’re for crowd control — but 9 times out of 10, when you see a cop on a horse, they’re just chilling, often far away from any sizable gathering of people.

This can cause problems. Not only is a cop on a horse unable to really do anything if a real crime happens (what, you’re going to chase a purse snatcher on horseback?), but it can also lead to situations like this:


In the video above, a cop on horse is met by an unleashed dog — the natural enemy of the police officer. Soon, another cop comes in with a big stick and starts wailing on the pup, telling the furry creature to “get out of here.” Attempts to capture the dog are unsuccessful, and the cop with the stick gets in a few more shots before the video’s end.

Quickly, X/Twitter users became engaged in a fierce debate about whether the cop’s actions were justified.

Others simply found humor in the situation.

Thankfully, no matter what you think about it, everyone seems okay by the end of the video — dog included.