All kids are cute, but kids with attitude are just that much cuter — and definitely more entertaining — than other kids. Take the little girl who gave her mom c—p for running late to pick her up from school; the video is a must-watch.
She opens the door and tells her mom, “I know you not picking me up no more,” before asking, “Do you not know what early means? I said early, not late!” Her mom repeatedly tries to offer an explanation, but her daughter cuts her off every time with a simple, “I don’t care,” and a “talk to the hand” gesture.
Many commenters were amused by the little girl, with some sharing stories of their own kids with attitude. One person wrote, “I picked my son up late and he gon say ‘If you don’t love me just say that’ ,” while another explained, “My daughter walked straight home she didn’t talk to me the whole day I had to rub her feet for forgiveness .”
In a follow-up video, the daughter can be seen getting out of the car with a solemn look on her face, wordless until she’s about to close the door, at which point she stares at her mom and simply says, “Pick me up early,” before shutting the door.
D—n, she really means business — I wouldn’t keep this little girl waiting, mama.