Certain subreddits really show the dangers of joining an online community. You log on thinking you’re just going to discuss the joy of fishing, then 20 minutes later you’re getting into an argument with a guy who says that “only queers use bait clips.”


There’s no better exemplification of this than r/Decks. On the surface, it’s a community for people who love decks. Just below the surface, it’s a terrifying place where every single deck you’ve ever been on is on the verge of collapse — a hellish dystopia where there is no such thing as a safe deck, and if you think you’ve built one, you’re likely minutes away from dying in a pile of unvarnished 2x4s.

The biggest enemy of the r/Decks member is the hot tub. People, in their hubris, often place hot tubs on decks. Decks, as we’ve learned, are a cruel trick from Satan. Put these two things together, and you’ve got a whole community terrified of any sort of jacuzzi with a view.

“Is this safe?” asks user Akycej. The post includes a picture of a lovely-looking hot tub, followed by images of a deck. “Please let me know as it’s our anniversary and I’m feeling like a giant duck cause I’m scared to get in!!!”

Naturally, many users were quick to tell the user that she should make peace with her loved ones and prepare her will. “It's going to collapse at some point. Far sooner than your husband believes,” wrote one user. “I wouldn’t go near that tub or the deck for that matter,” added another. “Oh live a little!....like a very little bit of time until you and the tub plummet to your deaths,” offered a third.

Of course, there were also those who told Akycej to calm down and that she was likely safe — for now. “I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten in that tub back in 2021. I lived to write this out,” shared a user. “Unless you’re both 350 pounds I don’t see why you need to be worried lol. It’s not going to just collapse with a bit of weight but yeah it’s not to code for sure,” stated a second.

Akycej hasn’t posted since sharing these photos, so one can only assume that she got into the hot tub and immediately tumbled to her death. That, or she and her husband ended up having a lovely time on their anniversary, hot tub included. We just can’t be sure — but let’s get those prayers going just in case.