For every hundred people who see a tornado and drive away from it, there will also be a select, special few who opt to drive toward the circling winds. Why? Who knows — but at least they can give us some cool videos.


Speaking of which, thanks to Redditor colapepsikinnie on the subreddit r/Damnthatsinteresting, we can actually see what it’s like to get frighteningly close to a tornado while in a car.

Driving through the US tornado alley during tornado season
by u/colapepsikinnie in Damnthatsinteresting

The poster didn’t offer an explanation as to why this guy is deciding to go headfirst into the winds. Maybe he’s a stormchaser, maybe he just likes to live life on the wild side. Regardless, commenters on Reddit were quick to speculate about what exactly was going on here.

“Tornado? Nah **** it, I have to drop off this load in 15 minutes,” joked a user.

“This driver has either seen it all or has seen enough,” replied another.

As it turns out, it’s a clip from a longer YouTube video that shows even more of the twin tornados — and yes, they do look sick.

The poster of the original video does indeed appear to be a stormchaser, saying that these twin tornadoes occurred on June 16, 2014, near Pilger, Nebraska. Whoever said Nebraska was boring?

Naturally, Redditors also made jokes about the situation. “The front tornado is the bad one. The one on the right is the good one. In America, the only thing that stops a bad tornado is a good tornado,” wrote one.

“The trucker held his ground, and avoided direct eye contact, or showing any signs of backing down, signaling to the tornada,’ that he wasn’t worth the hassle and to look for an easier meal,” joked another.

So if you’re looking to see a cool tornado, this may be the one occasion where Nebraska really is the place to be.