cop pulled over

The only thing that can stop a cop speeding down the highway? Another cop speeding down the highway.


One unlucky undercover officer proved that police officers can and do get pulled over by the fuzz, too, finding himself in an inadvertent run-in with his colleague while racing around in an unmarked Dodge Charger.

“We’re on the perimeter, hold on,” the trailing officer recited into his squad car radio, speeding faster and faster to catch the vehicle unknowingly driven by one of his colleagues.

Though the Charger tried to make a break for it, veering off of what appears to be a highway and taking a left turn so sharp it could’ve made Vin Diesel launch into an impassioned speech about family, these efforts were in vain. His car ultimately spun out, landing him face-to-face with his co-worker.

The now-embarrassed cop tried to explain why he chased down his undercover co-worker. “Oh I didn’t see your lights!” he exclaimed. But his fellow officer wasn’t having any of his excuses. “Are you f—king kidding me!” screamed the undercover cop.

Even though this high-speed snafu ended in a hail of profanity and harsh words, there’s still a silver lining. As Twitter user @CMcKnight1977 aptly put it, “Luckily there weren’t any oak trees dropping acorns along the route.”