Cops: some people love them, some people are shot by them. No matter how you feel about the police, there’s no denying that they’ve had a PR issue as of late — and with so much cop-related violence and idiocy in the news these past few years, it’s not a surprise that the general sentiment amongst the populace is leaning against the boys in blue.


As a result, some have taken to minor acts of retaliation against the cops. Take, for example, this video, where someone gives a police officer a drive-by spray by plowing through a puddle.

In the video, a man can be seen driving by a police officer. The officer starts to give him the “c’mon” motion — at which point the driver sprays him with puddle water.

“He got him!” the passenger of the car says.

It’s unclear if this is actually a crime. It seems that this could be considered assault, depending on the state and how the judge feels that day, and there’s a chance that the driver could be charged with something else entirely. But as it stands now, all that cop is getting is a cold rump on the walk back to the station.