I know, I know — actually getting the motivation to take all of those old coffee cups from the bedroom to the kitchen is much easier said than done, but if you’re not careful, you can accidentally convert your one-bedroom apartment into a no-bedroom trash dump.


That seems to be what happened here. According to this video, a 35-year-old man named Charlotte stopped leaving the house about eight years ago, right around the time when a (now ex) girlfriend ran off with all of his money. Unfortunately, Charlotte not only became a hermit, but threw all cleaning standards to the wind, allowing garbage to pile up around the house until he eventually passed away.

This cleanup crew was tasked with clearing out the place, and let me tell you, it wasn’t a pretty sight. Empty Lipton Iced Tea bottles, chip bags, boxes upon boxes all over the place and a heavily-soiled bed. Dude was, needless to say, in a pretty bad place.

When the cleanup crew arrived, they required gas masks and suits to scour the place. I feel like at this point you should probably just burn the place down, but kudos to them for trying.

If this doesn’t motivate you to pick up the house today, maybe it will for the lady from Hoarders who lives in poop.