China and India don’t have the *best* relationship. While they’ve never really gone toe-to-toe with each other, India has been trying to do a balancing act between reaching westward and trying to maintain a relationship with China — a difficult feat that’s resulted in more than a few dustups.


For example, 2020 and 2021 saw a host of border skirmishes between the two nations, largely involving a 2,100-mile-long disputed area in the Himalayas. Although both sides seemed ready to let the fighting begin, no one wanted to be the first to fire a gunshot — and so, they went at each other with anything they could. Now, this appears to be happening again, according to a recent post on X/Twitter.

It’s unclear where or when this video takes place (this sort of stuff just happens sometimes), but it’s pretty similar to other disputes between the two nations. There’s a bit of arguing, a little pushing for further ground — then, when both groups decide to throw reason to the wind, the stones begin to fly.

My best guess is that this is old footage from a previous dispute, as there’s no new stories of such conflicts happening at the border presently. But if they’re really going at it again, I would recommend strapping up next time — not with guns, but with the fun stuff.