This past weekend, the streets of Oakland and San Francisco became home to a car sideshow.


For those who are unfamiliar, a “sideshow” is an often-illegal event where people do stupid things in cars. It doesn’t really get more complicated than that.

No matter how many times we say they’re dangerous — and we’ve said it a lot — people keep doing them. This leads us to last weekend, where some people went crazy with their cars in the beautiful streets of California.

In videos taken of the event, viewers can see a group of people having a great time in their (or someone else’s) vehicles — until, that is, they destroy them.

If you thought “someone making their car explode” would put an end to this wonderful event, well, think again, because one car blew up and they just started doing donuts around it. That’s called going with the flow!

The Daily Mail claims that no one was arrested following this sideshow, but it seems the story is a little more complicated than that.

It’s true that no one was arrested at the time, but SFPD Chief Bill Scott says they were eventually able to split the group up, and that the smaller sideshows were slowly flushed out of the area. As a result, the police were able to gather evidence, which they hope will assist them in making arrests and impounding vehicles.

Will they actually do it? Who knows, but at least there’s free entertainment for your next trip to San Francisco.