Car dealers are among the least trusted professions in the United States — and if you’ve ever bought a car, you know exactly why that’s the case.


Workers at car dealerships try all sorts of bullshit to try to “get you into a Honda.” This can range from psychological tricks to straight up lying to you about the quality of the car and how much you’ll end up paying.

Given this, it’s no surprise that people are moving away from the dealership model. Unfortunately, this puts dealers in a tough spot, as they must use all sorts of new tactics to try to get customers into their locations. If you need an example of these tactics, look no further than Central Houston Nissan.

Rather than sell you on the merits of a brand new Nissan, this dealership has decided to awkwardly stitch themselves into viral videos.

Admittedly, most of these are pretty clever, though I’m not sure how seeing a man tuck and roll is supposed to convince me of the merits of driving home in a 2024 Nissan Juke.

Regardless, I have to respect them for fully committing to the bit. This guy literally shows his ass for us in this clip — try saying that about your local KIA dealer!

I don’t know if I’m any closer to buying a Nissan, but at least we all had a good laugh.