It’s gotta be stressful to be the grenade guy. While your job may be easy in theory — pull the pin, throw the thing, watch it go boom, etc. — the actual reality of being the explosives dude has to put you under a lot of pressure.


Given this stress, it’s understandable that you might make a mistake or two. However, the mistake you should absolutely not make is forgetting to throw the grenade. Unfortunately for them, that’s exactly what happened to a group of would-be criminals in Ecuador.

Dumb criminals forget to throw grenade after removing pin.
byu/PresentationBig6745 inPublicFreakout

In the video, one can see a group of men shooting guns into a building in La Concordia. At some point, they presumably pull the pin out of their grenade or arm some other kind of explosive. Suddenly, they all run into the getaway vehicle — in which there is now a live explosive (thanks a lot, Carl).

You can guess what happens from here. Car drives for a little bit, then goes boom. I’m no expert, but I would assume that’s what tends to happen when you put a grenade in a car.

From here, stories differ. Some say that the explosion killed four and injured two others, while Gustavo Jávita, a high-ranking law enforcement official with the La Concordia Police, says that they do not yet know about who was injured or the extent of their injuries.

Regardless, it can’t have ended well for the people in the car, and their carefree days of shooting guns into houses are likely behind them.