The internet is filled with former inmates (and some currently incarcerated people) teaching folks how to make do while in prison. But what about makeup? If you’re doing five to ten, why can’t you do it in glam?


One creator on TikTok, @taylorbnice, made a video where she teaches her followers how to make foundation in prison. She spent 17 years in prison and has perfected her technique. 

All you’ll need is any sort of white powder (flour, cake mix, or powdered sugar), Pepsi, and cocoa powder. You add the Pepsi to the flour and cocoa little by little until you make a thick batter. The soda makes it stick to your face for long-lasting results.

“So Rihanna if you watching this and you want to put me on the team, I know how to mix some shit up,” she says as she vigorously mixes her DIY foundation.

Now why would you need makeup in prison? Well, @taylorbnice explains that it has many uses. Like helping to hide “black eyes” or if you’re cheating on your outside partner and “need to hide a hickey.”

She swatches the finished product on her arm and it completely conceals her tattoo.

The comment section is shocked at how good the coverage is.

“That's some of the best coverage I’ve seen,” comments one user.

“Why am I so invested knowing good and well I’m not about that life!?” comments another user.

Face it, the lady might as well have gotten a full chemistry degree while in prison. Stock up on enough commissary and you’ll have enough for a full beauty line.