They say that revenge is a dish best served cold, but how about a dish best served on a cake stand? That’s what one woman decided to do after discovering a tube of unfamiliar lipstick in her husband’s car.


Mimo, a baker on TikTok, shared a video about an unusual order she received: a football cake for the client’s husband, with a twist — a tube of Dior lipstick inside the cake. Mimo explained that the woman dropped the lipstick off for Mimo to put in the cake and told her that she found the lipstick in his car, and it didn’t belong to her. Mimo told viewers, “She said, ‘I think he’s cheating on me, and I want to put it in the cake,’ so she didn’t want to bring it up and thought this would be the best way. That way, when they’re singing ‘Happy Birthday’ and he cuts into the cake, there is the lipstick in the way.”

Fortunately, Mimo delivered not one but two updates. In the first, she clarified that the cake was enjoyed at a private celebration, so this wasn’t a huge public humiliation-style revenge on the part of the wife. When they finally got the lipstick out of the cake, the husband was initially confused, but eventually admitted that he was seeing someone from work.

In the second update, the wife apparently wanted the opinions of TikTok commenters because her husband claimed it was only an emotional affair, and she can’t decide if that’s better or worse than a physical affair. Mimo herself said that she thinks an emotional affair is just as bad as a physical one, and many commenters agreed, although some suggested trying marriage counseling before throwing in the towel completely.

Unfortunately, neither of the updates mentioned whether anyone actually got to enjoy the realistic-looking football cake, or whether it went to waste. Hopefully the wife ate her feelings that night and the cake didn’t go to waste.