Once relegated to cowboys and Old West gangsters, the humble whip has become a performance piece for 10-gallon hat enthusiasts around the world. There are whip-cracking competitions, people who crack whips to songs and a whole online community of people who just want to let it whip.


Recently, some members of that community had a meetup, and the swagger dripping off this group is palpable.

The meetup appears to have been led by Wisconsin’s own Adam “Crack” Winrich. Winrich is possibly the only person in the modern world to become famous from whips, making appearances on the likes of CONAN and Steve Harvey’s show as well as setting, per his website, over 30 whip-related world records. There was also one time where he scared the **** out of Sofia Vergara.

According to a Facebook post advertising the meetup, it doesn’t seem like Winrich wants to make money off of events like these. Dude just really likes whips.

Now, is there a chance that one could get as famous as Winrich by cracking whips? Almost surely not — I don’t know if the world can handle *two* famous whip guys. But does this event look fun? You bet, and if you’re in the Crystal Lake, Illinois area, go ahead and stop on by — Winrich says he’ll even let you use one of his whips.

As Devo once said, whip it, whip it real good.