A Brazilian couple celebrating the birth of their baby boy is now under government investigation for dying a waterfall blue. As part of their gender-reveal festivities, the couple’s family dumped Blue Lake dye into Cachoeira Queima-Pé, a waterfall and popular tourist destination in Mato Grasso’s Queima-Pé River in Brazil. 


Apparently, the couple has been fined nearly $2,000 for the “environmental infraction.” According to the Washington Post, Mato Grasso’s environmental protection agency (SEMA) has investigated the matter and determined that there had been "no change in the water's physical parameters, such as color and other, and no trace of local fish mortality," despite the cobalt contaminant.

Nevertheless, many local residents who get their water from the Queima-Pé River are concerned for its safety and drinkability, as is the online community on the whole. Twitter and Reddit users continue to bash the couple’s actions, calling for harsher repercussions for this defacing of a nature.