Bigfoot is one of those legends that will never go away. From movies to advertisements to a full television series documenting the search for the elusive sasquatch (Finding Bigfoot lasted for nine seasons — I’m sure they would have found him in the 10th!), our cultural fascination with the big dude in the woods doesn’t show any signs of retreating anytime soon.


One of the most famous videos of Bigfoot is called the Patterson-Gimlin film. It’s probably the image you’re most familiar with — a shaky camera shows a wooded area. Then, a gorilla-like man walks into frame, looks at the camera, then walks away. There are reasons to doubt this film, but regardless of the truth, it’s a pretty spooky video with many details to discover.

Recently, a new element of the film has come to light thanks to an A.I.-powered stabilization: Bigfoot is sad.

This new stabilization shows the creature walking in his expected manner, only this time, his emotions become a little crisper. He just seems so over it.

The stabilization was later posted to Reddit, where users came to a similar conclusion. “Bigfoot’s had enough of our ****,” wrote a user.

“Bigfoot walks like some dude that just came off work on a Friday,” added another.

“Everybody’s always like, ‘Where’s Bigfoot!? Did you see Bigfoot?!’ Nobody is ever asking, ‘How’s Bigfoot? How ya doing brother? Did Ladyfoot ever come back? Are ya sleeping ok?’” point out a third.

Of course, there were many fun-killers in the comments who said that this video made it clear that this was merely a man in a costume. Costume or not, I feel bad for the guy. Here’s hoping he finds a Ladyfoot. Or if he is indeed a man in a costume, someone who shares his penchant for woodland cosplay.