Nobody wins when priceless art is stolen, especially when it's a work of Vincent Van Gogh. Early Monday morning, thieves successfully completed a 'smash and grab' of “The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring 1884" from The Singer Laren museum in the Netherlands. 


Here's what the crime scene after the thieves got away looked like

Police said the thieves smashed a glass door to get into the museum. That set off an alarm that sent officers to the museum but by the time they got there the painting was gone. 

"During a press conference broadcast on Youtube, the museum’s director, Jan Rudolph de Lorm, said he was “incredibly pissed off” by the loss of the painting, which had been on loan from the Groninger Museum. The painting was stolen on the day Van Gogh was born 167 years ago" (The Guardian) The museum has been closed since March 13th due to the coronavirus, which I guess made it easier for the thieves to plan their theft. 

What a weird coincidence that on Van Gogh's birthday his work gets stolen, kinda eerie if you ask me.