On Thursday, January 26, the journalistic overlords at the AP continued their reign of hard-to-memorize and re-memorize terror, boldly standing up for the most oppressed people on this planet: The French, or, erm, sorry, the fine people who happen to hail from the definitely-not-pretentious nation of France.


In a since-deleted tweet, AP wrote; “We recommend avoiding general and often dehumanizing ‘the’ labels,” the agency wrote before specifying “the poor, the mentally ill, the French, the disabled, the college-educated,” the organization wrote on Twitter in a post that has garnered more than 21 million views since hitting the site on Thursday afternoon.

“Instead, use wording such as people with mental illnesses,” they advised, noting that writers should only “use these descriptions only when clearly relevant.”

Shortly after hitting the site, journalists and shitposters took to the comments section, roasting the AP for its late rejection of Anti-Frenchitism.

“you can't just call people "Fr*nch" when they're literally eurodivergent,” commented @GageHLeibman, while Twitter users proposed “People experiencing Frenchness” as another option for respectful language.

AP, from one writer to another, you’re gonna have to pry the term “the French” from de mes mains froides et mortes (which means my cold dead hands — at least according to Google Translate).