Japan is the place that foreigners go to be extremely not normal.


Yes, Japan is an odd country. Like tourists in any foreign land, visitors are likely to gawk at everything from their strange Kit-Kat flavors to their women-only trains. But please, folks, can’t we just leave it at gawking? Do we really need to do this shit?

Given that Japan’s economy is slowly falling into the shitter, the once-pricey country has become a hotspot of foreign tourism. Unfortunately, this movement has also brought with it people who really have no sense of common decency.

This video is one of many examples of obnoxious behavior now exhibited by tourists. Some woman in traditional dress is just minding her own business when a woman runs up on her to take pictures. No matter how many times she’s told not to do that, she just keeps clicking her shitty smartphone in hopes of capturing the perfect photo to send back to her friends and family abroad.

While this woman may be stupid, it’s not just the average tourists that are the problem. The “foreign social media influencer issue” has gotten so bad that Japanese self-defenses have actually begun running drills to deal with obnoxious live-streamers, something recently noted by YouTuber PewDiePie in his video “YouTubers Are Ruining Japan.”

The former video is a perfect example of what not to do when you visit this historic country. Japanese people, like most people, find it incredibly disrespectful when you run up to them with a camera and start snapping away. You may want a Japanese waifu, but trust me brother, this ain’t the way to do it.

For the last time, you can just be normal. It isn’t that difficult.