A certain subset of self-described Alpha Male seems consumed by the question of whether or not women are genuinely attracted to incredibly muscular guys or not, which is funny, because if they knew enough women, they’d be able to figure out the answer for themselves.
— AlphaFo (@Alphafox78) April 17, 2024
Muscles or no muscles?
Tell us the truth: pic.twitter.com/gh3xE593WB
One such Alpha Male asked women to tell the truth about whether they prefer muscles or no muscles, and the most popular replies suggest that women value other aspects over physical appearance, particularly a sense of humor and confidence.
As a kid, I thought ladies were attracted to guys with muscles. Turns out they like a funny guy - a guy with confidence - a guy who'll be reliable for a long time.
— Studio Terrible (@StudioTerr26285) April 17, 2024
Muscles, but normal ones, not outrageous
— Jen (@jenreneeX) April 17, 2024
Even when it comes to physical appearance, many women said that they like muscles but not “outrageous” ones, which must come as a shock to Marvel execs who force stars like Chris Hemsworth to beef up beyond belief because they’re under the impression that’s what viewers want. One woman explained that she finds bodybuilding training without “any other form of training unappealing,” adding that they also usually come with inflated egos and a “lack of fighting skills.”
Dad Bod!
— Illy! Not Lilly (@IllyNOTLilly) April 17, 2024
You’d think that the popularity of “dad bods” as a meme and the way they’re celebrated online would let these men know that women’s tastes in men vary greatly and that many women prefer men who don’t look like Arnold Schwarzenegger at his peak, but I suspect part of the problem is that these men have such idealized and specific visions for how they think all women should look that they assume women are similarly rigid in their thinking.
While some women want a man who can fend off attackers or scale buildings or whatever it is these guys do in their spare time, others are happy with a guy who can make them laugh or isn’t a raging misogynist; sometimes, the bar really is that low, and yet many men get in their heads and go insane trying to meet standards they themselves have set with little input from actual human women.
By all means bulk up if it’s what you want to do, but you’re going to have a rough time if your motivation is based almost entirely on seeking other people’s approval.