If you’ve been on TikTok at all in the past few months, then you’ve probably heard the song “Dumb Ways to Die.” Made by Tangerine Kitty, the song is used underneath footage of people doing stupid things that might get them killed.


The TikTok sound currently has 286,000 videos attached to it, with most users electing to stop their clips the moment before disaster strikes. Typically used in a self-deprecating context, the ‘dumb ways to die’ trend is a safe means of satisfying that primal human urge to watch people do stupid shit.

Here are some of TikTok’s best ‘dumb ways to die.’

‘Dying’ can be used in multiple contexts, and not every video involves direct physical harm. Here are some funny different interpretations of the trend.

“Thank God the vid stopped, you could have gotten seriously hurt,” one person commented on the surfing video. That sentiment is repeated across just about all versions of the trend. If only we had pause buttons for real life.