Japan has a lot of oddities, and I don’t just mean the tentacle stuff. The country has developed fascinations that transcend our American understanding, ranging from fancy Kit Kats to the guy who makes all sorts of crazy weapons out of cardboard.


One particular area of interest is mascots. Governments and private companies alike have mascots — for example, Sanpuku Real Estate Agency in Japan has decided to promote itself using a wrestler who dresses as the floorplan for a one-bedroom apartment.

Even by Japanese standards, this is a bit convoluted. Regardless, the madlads over at Sanpuku Real Estate Agency seemed to think this was the best way to promote their agency. I don’t know about that, but at least they actually put him in the ring, giving us these amazing pictures:

While it seems that they haven’t orchestrated another fight since, the mascot still plays a prominent role in the company’s advertising. Given this, you’d think they would have taken the opportunity to touch up the floorplan a bit — c’mon, there’s not even a toilet in there!

I just wish our American mascots would also get into wrestling. I would pay good money to see the Burger King try to take down Grimace.