Wisconsin ufo

On December first, the Wisconsin night sky found itself aglow with multiple bright lights flashing through the clouds, featuring erratic movements at shockingly high speeds. The event was filmed by multiple people in different locations, and the lights even made a return the following evening. Appearing to shine through the cloud cover from above, instead of from the ground up, the incident is being considered a full-blown UFO sighting


While the majority of sightings occurred along eastern Wisconsin, reports of the lights came from as far away as Brighton in eastern Michigan. The events also ranged from darting white blobs to a steady blue shining spot. 

As with any UFO sighting, people are scrambling to find alternative explanations to the paranormal. Despite the cloud cover, there was apparently no weather that could have accounted for the lights, and radar did not show any airplanes in the area. 

The most commonly proposed explanation is advertising spotlights, or searchlights reflecting off the cloud cover. But others are quite adamant that this is not the case. 

Others are just impressed that there is actually decent footage of an unidentified areal phenomena for once. 

UFO enthusiasts will surely keep their eyes trained to the midwestern night sky in the near future, but somehow it seems doubtful that the aliens would choose Wisconsin as the best place for them to hang around.