An Alaska Airlines flight from Seattle, Washington to the John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana, California nearly ended in disaster on Sunday night after the aircraft slammed into the tarmac while attempting to land in the aftermath of Hurricane Hilary.


“Holy ****, what the ****?” one passenger can be heard saying in a cell phone video as the plane smacked down on the Southern California tarmac, screams and audible panicking filling the cabin as smoke and sparks surrounded the speeding aircraft. "There's sparks outside."

Though no injuries were reported during the terrifying ordeal — “all of them are safe," the airline told NBC News, noting that shortly after the bumpy landing “the aircraft parked on a taxiway, where it remains and everyone exited the aircraft safely,” — the same could not be said of the airplane.

The nightmare-inducing descent reportedly left the Boeing 737-800 “resting on its engine” after the aircraft’s landing main gear collapsed, according to one phone call to the Orange County Fire Authority.

In light of these terrifying images, it’s safe to say those weirdos who clap when the plane lands are starting to make a whole lot more sense.