Though Boeing has dominated headlines over the past several months, singlehandedly making everyone afraid to hit the skies amid terrifying tales of missing bolts, falling tires, and of course, the now-infamous Alaska Airlines flight where a door plug yeeted itself to the ground in mid-air, it seems Airbus decided to get in on the fun … either that or they’ve elected a new pope.


Passengers and crew members aboard a flight from Dallas, Texas to San Francisco, California, found themselves in for one hell of a landing during their flight, their aircraft facing “a hydraulic leak” shortly before takeoff.

While fortunately, the passengers were able to deboard the plane without problems, emergency vehicles were called to the scene, you know, just in case.

The company issued a statement promising that “This is routine and is often caused when hydraulic fluid comes in contact with brakes” — but be real here, we all know what’s up. Hold on to your Palpal Tiara, Pope Francis, you’ve got some high-flying competition.