Airbnb checkout lists are getting a little ridiculous. In the early days, you simply left with your things, maybe doing the dishes or stripping the sheets if necessary. Now, Airbnb hosts expect you to take out the trash, deep clean the apartment, water their plants and everything else under the sun — effectively making you pay to house-sit a likely-illegal rental property. Way better than a hotel!


While it’s easy to make fun of Airbnb owners for their absurd requirements (fun, too!), some short-term tenants take things just a bit too far. Take, for example, the renters who left a few logs in the refrigerator of their Airbnb.

The main post has since been deleted, but OP says that they are an Airbnb host in Florida (somewhere deep down we all expected that, right?). According to OP in comments, the renters were attending a Tampa Bay Buccaneers game. One thing led to another (OP isn’t sure), but in the end, OP’s house was covered in vomit and there was poop in his fridge. Also, one of the guys left a pair of pants there.

Surprisingly, besides the piss, shit and vomit, OP describes the guests as perfectly cordial and says they had “great interactions.” One of the men also thanked him as they departed. Mama may have raised a fridge shitter, but she didn’t raise no animal!

And if you really wanted to see it, of course, there are pics. Fair warning — it is literally just shit in a fridge.

In response to this absolutely unhinged post, many users encouraged OP to charge their guests for the damage. Of course, commenters also said just about every variant of “WTF” imaginable, but they managed to offer some good advice as well, encouraging OP to try to get a new fridge out of the deal so he doesn’t have to spend the next month feeling weird using the vegetable crisper.

All of this advice worked, too. OP says in a comment that he was paid by Airbnb, and he updated the text of the original post to say that the renter was banned from the platform.

I guess it ended up being not that shitty of a situation after all! (Sorry.)