Apparently being widely considered to be one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time isn’t enough to save you from being cut off when you’ve had too much to drink, which is terrible news for Ric Flair, who recently took to social media to blast a Gainesville pizza joint for asking him to leave.


According to posts made on both Twitter and Instagram, Flair was asked to leave Gainesville’s Piesanos Stone Fired Pizza after spending $1,500 because of an issue he had “with the kitchen manager taking too long in the bathroom.” In case that explanation makes zero sense to you — why would he have an issue with how long someone else spends in the bathroom? — you’re right, and it’s not the full story.

Someone uploaded a video of a drunken Flair condescending to the bar staff at the restaurant and insulting them, calling one employee named Nicholas “Nicholas Dickhead” and warning the staff to “watch social media tomorrow,” presumably because he would be putting them on blast.

As the video goes on, it becomes more and more apparent that Flair was pretty wasted, slurring his words and becoming increasingly red in the face. From the video, it’s clear that he was asked to leave because of his behavior, making his decision to try and shame the restaurant using his social media platforms even more disingenuous and disgusting.

Anyone who’s worked in hospitality knows that serving visibly intoxicated patrons is a surefire way to lose your liquor license. Either way, the bar staff were limited in what they could do, and they handle Flair’s drunken arrogance with professionalism and composure.

Commenters on Flair’s Instagram weren’t supportive, with a recent one reading, “The video is out, delete this.” Even prior to the video’s release, people suspected alcohol was involved, with one follower asking, “Champ did this story involve alcohol?” while another, whose username even mentions how much he loves beer, wrote, “Dude… just delete this. We all know your history. You’re a loudmouth and a show off. Those things equal greatness in wrestling but don’t jive well in plane rides, bars, and apparently pizza joints. There’s definitely more to this story, no need to bash this business and jeopardize the jobs of all the staff who probably went out of their way to make you feel like a champ most of your time there.”

He’s right; this kind of arrogance doesn’t translate well outside the ring, or Hollywood, or whichever insulated environment a celebrity might be used to. Nobody in a pizza place in Gainesville cares who you are enough to lose their liquor license over it. Sorry champ!