When Trooper Quinn A. Hunter of the Pennsylvania State Police Department responded to a “One vehicle crash” involving a house in Lewistown, he probably expected to see some minor damage to the ground floor; not a car sticking out of the house’s second-story bedroom window like a flag.


“How is that even possible?” @nfairman1024 asked on Twitter.

The driver, 20-year-old Evan Miller, was transported to Geisinger Lewistown Hospital. However, he might also find himself charged with felony aggravated assault and numerous traffic violations, as the police report states that “It was determined through investigation that the crash was an intentional act.”

Junction Fire Company also responded to the incident, posting photos to Facebook. “Chief 17 arrived on scene within minutes to find one vehicle [crashed] into the second floor with the patient out of the vehicle,” they wrote. “The rescue crew stabilized the house and helped the homeowners put a tarp on the hole due to upcoming storms.”

They also revealed that the car’s elevation was achieved by a high rate of speed, combined with a “change in elevation” between the road and the house. In other words, he ramped it off a hill.

At this time, Miller’s motives behind the accident remain unclear. Did he let his intrusive thoughts win at the consequence of a random house, or was he trying to execute an aerial assassination with the help of his two-ton Toyota Corolla projectile?

Until we find out who needs a new bedroom, that answer will remain unclear as Miller’s real life GTA cheat codes.