Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and never is this as true as it is when it comes to interior design — one man’s Versailles, France is another man’s Versailles, Indiana. One Dutch art gallery has kindly demonstrated just how heinous some people’s tastes can be in a recent video highlighting some truly terrible epoxy art that, as one TikTok commenter put it, can only be described as “GTA type ahh decor.”


The video, posted by CJS Gallery in Zwanenburg, Netherlands, opens on an employee holding a piece showing a gun, pills, a stack of American $100 bills, cognac and caviar all preserved in resin and ready to display in someone, presumably Andrew Tate’s, home. Other priceless pieces featured in the video include a bust of a gorilla wearing a suit and rolex and smoking a cigar; more epoxy art featuring alcohol, caviar and USD; a giant, framed $100 note with a tiger in place of Benjamin Franklin; a painting of a gorilla made to look like a mob boss (what’s with all the gorillas?); a gold, rhinestone-encrusted gun suspended in resin (what’s with all the resin?); and a giant fake credit card featuring Heath Ledger’s iteration of everyone’s favorite Batman villain, The Joker.

It’s the kind of art that could only be displayed in a bachelor pad — a mojo dojo casa house, if you will. Not only that, but it takes a certain kind of masculinity-obsessed man with no taste to not only purchase but proudly display one of these tacky creations.

Commenters online were less than impressed by the gallery’s offerings. One commenter asked, “Is this for people that like NFTs?” (the answer is yes), while someone else asked, “Is the art in the room with us?” (no, it is not).

CJS Gallery is devoted to this type of “art” — highlights from their website include an $18,000 Scrooge McDuck statue, who I am forced to assume is their God based on the fact he also enjoyed ostentatious displays of wealth, and an $8,000 piece featuring Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone blowing bubblegum.

If people with too much money and no taste are going to waste their money, it’s probably better they buy these hideous artworks than NFT apes — at least you have something more to show for your shopping spree than a JPG of a bored simian.